If you've got a few questions flying around, you're in the right place. Explore our info pages for our top tips and FAQ.
Our Natural Ingredient Choices
Painting your kitchen cabinets - Refresh your kitchen
How do I choose an exterior house paint colour?
Our natural Danish and tung oils are the way to go for almost any project
Here’s how we make the most of autumn
Why use natural paint and oil?
You have so many paints, what are they for?
Which timber oil should I be using for my project?
I'm a DIYer, are your house paints and timber oils a good choice?
It's time to set up the nursery, where do I start?
The house exterior needs tuning up, will your products stand up against the elements?
I'm wanting to refresh the interior of my home, which products will I need?
Summer's coming up, how can you help me get my backyard sorted?
Those pesky doors and trims are feeling a bit intimidating, what would you recommend I use?
I've got some furniture to upcycle, what's the important stuff to know?
What should I do with leftover paint, I don't want it to go to waste?
What can I use to protect my timber floors?
I want to know more about your Hard Floor Oil?
I'm trying to be a more conscious consumer, am I in the right place?
I've heard good things about your Pure Interior Oil, tell me more?